Providing Liquidity

Yield, sustainability, & risk-adjusted yield

In phase one, Derivio offers 2 different DeFi Super Derivatives Vaults: DLP-M (Main), DLP-B (Blue Chip).

There are three things Derivio's liquidity providers should know: 1. LPs own a share of the asset basket and can swap anytime with any asset in the pool.

2. LPs share the revenue (PnL & trading fee) paid by derivatives traders.

3. Liquidity pools are protected by Derivio's market-neutral liquidity design, especially under volatile market conditions.

Derivio generates sustainable yield from the turnover of all trading activities for its liquidity providers, who are effectively acting as a market-neutral market maker with extreme capital efficiency & risk optimization.


Here is Derivio's quant-tailored index vaults composition; the decisions are made based on a comprehensive & quantitative analysis of market cap, derivatives turnover/open interest, respective tokenomics, volatility, & long/short demand.


By holding DLP-M, the liquidity provider is effectively holding an index that is composed of the most dominating assets in crypto.

DLP-B: Coming soon...

By holding DLP-B, the liquidity provider is effectively holding an index that is composed of the most promising blue-chip DeFi tokens.

In the future, staking derivatives such as stETH will be enabled in the pool / market listing.

Last updated