Derivio uses EIP-2535 Diamonds for a modular contract architecture.
zkSync Era
Manager Diamond
Pool Diamond Beacon
Staking Diamond Beacon
Staking Diamond (sDLPM)
interface IStakingRewardsToken {
struct StakingRewardsConfigPrimitives {
address assetToken;
address rewardToken;
uint256 rewardPeriod;
struct StakingRewardsStatePrimitives {
uint256 rewardPerSecond;
uint256 cumulativeRewardPerToken;
uint256 lastCumulativeRewardPerTokenUpdate;
uint256 rewardPeriodEnd;
struct StakingRewardsAccount {
uint256 balance;
uint256 entryCumulativeRewardPerToken;
uint256 claimableReward;
/// @notice Get reward token address
function getRewardToken() external view returns (address);
/// @notice Get config primitives
function getStakingRewardsConfigPrimitives()
returns (StakingRewardsConfigPrimitives memory);
/// @notice Get state primitives
function getStakingRewardsStatePrimitives()
returns (StakingRewardsStatePrimitives memory);
/// @notice Get account info
function getStakingRewardsAccount(
address owner
) external view returns (StakingRewardsAccount memory);
/// @notice Get reward amount claimable by owner
function previewClaimableReward(
address owner
) external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice Stake transferred in tokens (assumes token already transferred in)
function stake(address recipient) external;
/// @notice Unstake sender's tokens, transfer unstaked tokens to recipient
/// @dev Untrusted external call
function unstake(uint256 amount, address recipient) external;
/// @notice Claim sender's reward, transfer reward to recipient
/// @dev Untrusted external call
function claim(address recipient) external returns (uint256 rewardAmount);
Manager Diamond: Orders
Orders are created by the user (TX 1), then executed by keeper bot (TX 2).
To create an order (TX 1), the user needs to transfer tokens to the contract, then immediately call the create order function. WARNING: Transferring the tokens & order creation must be done in the same TX atomically, otherwise the tokens may be taken by someone else.
To do so, use the multi-delegatecall interface included in the manager diamond:
/// @notice Receives and executes a batch of function calls on this contract.
function multicall(
bytes[] calldata data
) external payable returns (bytes[] memory results);
/// @notice Send ERC20 tokens to the contract. Intended to be used with multicall.
function sendERC20(address token, uint256 amount) external payable;
Creating an order requires execution fee in ETH. To get the current minimum execution fee:
function getMinExecutionFee() external view returns (uint256);
See below for specific order types and examples.
Swap Orders
struct CreatePoolSwapOrder {
uint256 executionFee;
// ---------- DEPOSIT ----------
address inToken;
// ---------- SWAP: asset->outToken
/// Empty = no swap
address[] swapPoolPath;
/// Intermediate tokens, length must be 1 less than swapPoolPath
address[] swapTokenPath;
/// Min accepted after swap
uint256 minSwapOut;
// ---------- WITHDRAW ----------
address outToken;
address recipient;
/// @notice Create a pool swap order. Assumes tokens already transferred.
function createPoolSwapOrder(
CreatePoolSwapOrder memory params
) external payable returns (bytes32);
Note: If inToken is WETH, directly send raw ETH to the contract. If outToken is WETH, it will be unwrapped and sent to recipient as ETH.